432 ROUTE 518 Blawenburg, NJ 08504 ( View Map )
The Blawenburg Village PreSchool (BVS) is rooted in the Christian faith and practice of the Blawenburg Reformed Church. Open to all faiths, the preschool seeks to nurture the social, developmental, emotional and spiritual lives of children. Nurturing the Social: We seek to create a covenantal community of trust and cooperation. This is fostered as children are guided in their social interactions with peers and teachers, and is modeled by the relationships between parents and staff of the school. All learn together to respect the cultures and abilities of all participants through multicultural experiences of stories, games, traditions and music. From time to time children and families are offered opportunity to assist others in need. Nurturing the Developmental: We provide qualified teachers and staff who work diligently to meet each child’s individual developmental needs. Teachers share with children the wonder and beauty of God’s creation. Children are offered a variety of motivating and hands-on experiences which aid in the development of motor, musical, and artistic skills. At appropriate levels teachers lay a foundation for the development of skills in reading, writing, arithmetic, health, social studies and science. Nurturing the Emotional: We seek to provide a warm, accepting and positive atmosphere. Children are led to recognize their own special characteristics and abilities. Self-esteem, self-control and healthy independence are fostered. Children are also helped to handle and verbalize emotions in appropriate ways while preserving the child’s ability to feel and express the full range of God-given emotions. Nurturing the Spiritual: We affirm that all children bear the image of God their Creator. As a Christian preschool we seek to be attentive to the spiritual development of children. This takes place through songs, stories, celebrations and prayers.Together we seek to form a covenant distinguished by trust, mutual respect and sharing.